
‘Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.‘ — Author Unknown

I found this quote shortly after becoming more serious about photography, and it perfectly encompasses how I feel about my pictures and why I take them. I have always liked art, but am unfortunately not overly gifted with artistic ability– I can draw stick men really well. So for me photography is a way to experience art and express how I see the world, without needing to be able to create life changing paintings like Van Gogh.

But there is more than just one human being behind the operations of Two Shoes Photography, there are two of us! Close friends at heart, but far in distance. Together we decided to try out hand at equine portraits and photography along with anything else that catches our fancy. We are a great team each learning the other’s job from taking pictures to editing. Though our distance from each other may be far, it means we conveniently offer our services in both Saskatoon and Regina SK.

We are always trying out new techniques for taking pictures and playing with editing and hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoy producing it.

You can contact us at twoshoephotos@gmail.com or find us on Facebook or Instagram!


Kara and Tess